Sunday, February 10, 2008

Monday, February 11

Let's take today a little easy. Daddy is leaving today for a couple of weeks so I don't imagine you'll be too focused. Still, let's get some stuff done.

- Greek

- Grammar

- Multiplication quizes and crosswords.

- I-Science. Let's read the rest of the first chapter and then explore the internet, Brainpop and our bookshelves to find what else we can learn about that chapter.

- We've got those two new card games, Sherlock and Eye of Horus plus the old one, Quiddler that we haven't played so why not try them out today at some point.

- Find something new for me to read. Read Owls in the Family. Yes, you have to. You keep putting it off but it's time to put some work into it Missy.

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